Yoga is beneficial for your joints

By adding the yoga frog pose you add flexibility to your core.

Yoga is highly effective in preventing osteoporosis, which is a bone-breaking condition. The best yoga poses to keep the bones strong and healthy are the yoga standing positions, such as the chair, warrior I and warrior II. The best yoga poses to keep you limber and flexible are the asanas or physical postures, such as warrior III. You will see that the yoga frog pose is a great yoga pose to help you to increase your flexibility and add more variety to your practice.

woman yoga cross-legged

The yoga frog pose can be done standing, sitting or on the floor. The frog pose does require some coordination and focus to achieve the perfect pose since the arms will be held near the shoulders and the feet will be held towards your shoulders. Yoga frog pose steps To start this pose you must start off standing and put your hands on your ankles for balance. Begin by standing up straight and bringing the soles of your feet together.


Now, bend your knees a little and raise your toes until the toes are parallel to the ground. Then, turn both of your legs into the center so you can stretch your calves. Do this so your foot will be facing down towards your body's center. Now that you see that you have turned your legs towards your body's center, you will need to bring up your upper body. Stretch your thighs parallel to the floor for proper balance. Once you are finished stretching your legs, bend your knees and lower your hips towards the ground until you reach the floor.


The next step is very important, since you want to keep a great posture. The best yoga pose will have the hips close to the ground so that you can keep a great body core. The more your feet are in a wide stance, the more your hips will be in the ground. Hold this pose for at least five to eight breaths, but you can continue to hold it longer.


YOGA FROG POSE BENEFITS – Yoga helps to prevent osteoporosis and knee osteoarthritis by strengthening your core. This strengthens your bones while preventing your muscles from weakening and makes your body stronger. This is the core to the yoga frog pose. Not only does the frog pose strengthen your core, but it will also help you by stretching your entire body. The yoga frog pose teaches you to have the same balance skills required for a gymnast or a jump roper.