How to get started with jumping rope

When you first start to jump rope you are wondering what to do with it, here is some advice.

When you first start out, I strongly recommend that you jump twice a day. By my definition, the minimum for "jump rope" is 100 jumps in the morning and 100 jumps at night. But once you've been doing it for a while, you're going to need to add more jumps. It's also a great workout for your aerobic capacity and makes you more mentally fit, as well as physically fit.

jump rope

There are a number of techniques you can do while you're doing rope jumping, such as skipping, running on the spot, and jumping to and fro, though these are outside the scope of this article. The second part of the rope-jumping practice is to "criss-cross". In other words, you're going to be "criss-crossing the rope" in order to get a better workout also for your upper body. Don't worry about a perfect technique in any given exercise. It's a matter of just getting the workout in. But if you're getting bored or even get sick of your rope, you can always go back to jumping the rope regularly. As with rope jumping, you can change the routine once in a while, and then come back to it.

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And it's a good idea to do a program of exercises such as skipping or jumping rope once or twice a week with your friends once in a while. Changing a routine can be done either by getting a second rope or using or doing some ropeflow exercises with it. In any case, jumping rope gives you many benefits of a full work out.